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Men are always leaders. The question is, are they worth following? Are they leading to the right places and in the right ways? Are they the example and teacher they are called to be? “You who teach others, will you not teach yourself?” (Romans 2:21).
The man with his eyes open to reality knows the world is a dangerous place. Not only do we contend with sin, but we are tormented with torrents of lies, distortions, and disordered loves. A wise man prepares to be a steady anchor in his family, community, and workplace by being guided by love and wisdom.
Scripture uses two images primarily to describe a man’s duty in relation to his place and vocation: the warrior and the farmer. The warrior wields the sword in the securing and protecting of the good and the farmer works the spade in the cultivation and provision of the good. Yes, “God is a warrior” (Exodus 15:3), so we must war as He would have us war. But, also, “[Your] Father is a farmer” (John 15:1 – Pater meus agricula est).